Government adopts National Anti-Corruption Strategy to 2028

July 25 2024 | Belgrade

Government adopts National Anti-Corruption Strategy to 2028

The Serbian government adopted the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for the period from 2024 to 2028, bearing in mind the need to plan and organise the processes aimed at preventing and fighting corruption in a comprehensive and systematic way.

This document covers the areas of police, health, education, local self-government, construction, financing of political activities, taxes and customs, public procurement, privatisation and public enterprises as risky, while the areas of whistleblower protection and lobbying are represented within these areas.

The implementation of the national strategy will contribute to the fulfilment of 14 transitional benchmarks for Chapter 23 - Justice and Fundamental Rights.

Government members passed the Decision on the formation of the Council for Artificial Intelligence for a period of five years.

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Serbia to 2030, with a vision up to 2050 was adopted at the session, as a key strategic document that defines strategic goals and the dynamics of their achievement in the energy transition process.

Policies and measures to achieve the goals of this plan are grouped into five key dimensions: decarbonisation, which includes greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy market and research, innovation and competitiveness.

Source: The Government of the Republic of Serbia