The PLAC 4 project is the sixth PLAC project and the first project implemented from IPA 3 − the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. The PLAC project focuses on legal assistance, through amending the legislation in the process of harmonising the national legislation with the EU acquis.
The overall goal is "for the Serbian administration to effectively conduct accession negotiations and successfully manage the entire process of European integration and pre-accession assistance leading to the EU membership." This is achieved through activities focused on two specific objectives:
- increasing the level of harmonisation of national legislation with the EU acquis and its efficient implementation; and
- building capacities of relevant national structures for successful implementation of accession negotiations.
The main beneficiaries of the project are the Ministry of European Integration, while specific needs for legal assistance in certain chapters are defined by the relevant ministries and negotiating groups for particular chapters of the EU acquis, in accordance with relevant documents and obligations arising from the accession negotiations with the EU.
- The following activities are carried out through PLAC project:
- Preparation of Regulatory Impact Analysis;
- Assessment of the existing legislation;
- Proposals of new laws and regulations, harmonised with the EU acquis;
- Assistance in the preparation of Action Plans, negotiating positions;
- Lectures and workshops on harmonisation of legislation, good practice in accession negotiations with the EU; and
The special quality of this project is flexibility, which means that the beneficiaries can, in short-term, define new activities for which the need arises during the accession negotiations with the EU and to receive appropriate legal aid.
The project started on June 1, 2024 and will last 30 months, and its value is 2.4 million euros.