The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is a key instrument of European Union's support from which the implementation of political, economic, legal and institutional reforms, which are the prerequisite for joining the European Union, are funded. The Republic of Serbia has been a beneficiary of this instrument since 2007 on the basis of the Framework Agreement on assistance that the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia ratified in 2007.
Of almost EUR 11.5 billion, which was the amount of the IPA budget for the period 2007-2013, about EUR 1.4 billion was allocated for the Republic of Serbia. This assistance was provided to Serbia as a potential candidate for EU accession through the first two out of five IPA Components:
- Transition and Institution Building,
- Cross-Border Cooperation,
- Regional Development,
- Human Resource Development and
- Rural Development.
The assistance is defined for the implementation of projects identified through the programming process as priority projects and agreed between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the European Commission in the form of Financial Agreements.
You can find more information at the following link: