In March 2014, the European Union established a new instrument of support for countries in the process of association and accession to the EU - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II. For the period 2014-2020, a total of EUR 11.7 billion have been allocated, out of which approximately EUR 1.5 billion have been allocated for the Republic of Serbia. It should, however, be taken into account that this is an indicatively determined amount, while the specific amounts on an annual basis will depend on the readiness of specific programmes and projects.
By providing this support, the European Union seeks to encourage the implementation of the necessary reforms that are a prerequisite for accession to the European Union and for economic and social development. Support is mostly reflected in the provision of training and professional development services, in the procurement of necessary equipment, infrastructure building, etc. As in the previous period, the focus of support will be on the sectors of public administration reform, rule of law, environmental protection, employment, education, entrepreneurship, science and research, transport, energy, agriculture, etc.
So far, five programming cycles have been completed resulting in the IPA Annual Action Programmes for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Along with the support to IPARD Programme, contribution to Regional Housing Programme (IPA 2017 and 2018) and support to civil society facility, total EU support to Serbia amount over EUR billion.
You can find more information at the following link:
IPA 2014
The total value of the EU contribution to IPA 2014 Action Programme amounts to EUR 179.1 million which, together with EUR 10 million approved for flood recovery from the Multi-Beneficiary IPA, amounts to EUR 189.1 million.
The IPA 2014 Programme includes interventions in the following sectors: public administration reform, home affairs, energy, competitiveness, human resources development, and social development. In addition, the assistance includes the preparation of project documentation for the implementation of infrastructure projects, support to the European integration process, and harmonisation with the EU acquis and reimbursement of participation costs in EU Programmes.
For the sake of illustration, of this amount, EUR 72 million is intended for recovery from the floods that hit the Republic of Serbia in 2014 and for taking measures to prevent floods in the future.
You can find more information at the following link:
IPA 2015
The total value of EU contribution to the IPA 2015 Action Programme amounts to EUR 196.6 million. The value of the total IPA II allocation for Serbia for 2015, which includes IPARD and support to civil society organizations, amounts to EUR 216.1 million.
The IPA 2015 Programme covers funding in the following sectors: public administration reform, judiciary, home affairs and transport. The Programme also includes the preparation of projectdocumentation for the implementation of infrastructure projects, support to the European integration process, and harmonisation with the EU acquis and reimbursement of participation costs in EU Programmes.
For example, the IPA 2015 Programme directly supported the budget of the Republic of Serbia for the reform of public administration sector with EUR 80 million, and substantial funds have been invested in the transport infrastructure. Based on the Methodology for Selection and Prioritization of Infrastructure Projects, the modernization and reconstruction of the Niš - Brestovac railway line and the construction of an intermodal terminal in Belgrade in the amount of EUR 55,000,000 were supported as priority transport projects.
Although the amount of support to Serbia in 2015, according to the European Commission's Decision, amounted to EUR 201.4 million, thanks to the readiness of the proposed projects, the European Commission approved the Programme which, together with the allocation for IPARD and support to civil society organizations, exceeds this amount by EUR 15 million.
You can find more information at the following link:
IPA 2016
The total value of EU contribution to the IPA 2016 Action Programme amounts to EUR 166.4 million. The value of the total IPA II allocation for Serbia for 2016, which includes IPARD and support to civil society organizations, amounts to EUR 189.4 million.
The Programme covers funding in the following sectors: justice, competitiveness, human resources and social development, and home affairs. In addition, it also includes projects aimed at encouraging local development in cities and municipalities in Serbia (EU PRO), supporting the European integration process and harmonisation with EU acquis and reimbursement of participation costs in EU Programmes.
The EU shall also significantly support the education reform in Serbia with EUR 27.4 million - with the aim to increase its quality, relevance and inclusiveness - as well as the reform in the Integrated Border Management sector, in the total amount of EUR 28 million.
The total amount of funds is lower than that envisaged in the Indicative Strategy Paper for Serbia (2014-2020), in the amount of EUR 207.9 million, because the European Commission has decided to reduce the annual allocation to all IPA beneficiaries by 10%, so that these funds could be re-directed at achieving other urgent priorities (such as migration).
You can find more information at the following link:
IPA 2017
The total EU contributions to the IPA 2017 Action Programme amount to EUR 138.2 million. The value of the total IPA II allocation for Serbia for 2017 is EUR 186.7 million.
The Programme covers funding in the following sectors: judiciary, environment and energy. The Programme also includes projects regarding the support to the European integration process and harmonisation with the EU acquis, as well as the reimbursement of participation costs in EU Programmes.
For example, the Programme envisages significant support to the environmental sector in the amount of EUR 28.6 million, with the aim of improving the waste water treatment and waste water management systems at the local level. Also, the Union has allocated EUR 49.6 million for the energy sector, in order to support the construction of a two-way gas pipeline for the transfer of natural gas between Serbia and Bulgaria.
IPA 2018
The total value of the EU contribution to the IPA 2018 Programme is EUR 145.1 million, which, along with EUR 34 million awarded to the Republic of Serbia within the “performance reward” mechanism, amounts to the total of EUR 179.1 million. The value of the total IPA II allocation for Serbia for 2018, including IPARD, Regional Housing Programme and support to civil society organisations, amounts to EUR 239.6 million.
IPA 2018 Programme includes financing in the following sectors: environment, competitiveness and human resources and social development. The programme also includes interventions related to the support to statistics, European integration process, alignment with the EU acquis and reimbursement of participation costs in EU programmes.
To illustrate, the environmental protection sector has been provided additional funds for investments worth around EUR 62 million. The European Union will support the construction of the waste water treatment system in Niš and the surrounding area. As a complementary intervention, cooperation with the City of Belgrade is envisaged with a view to improving energy efficiency of public buildings and awareness rising of the importance of investing in renewable energy resources. In the competitiveness sector, the European Union will allocate almost EUR 40 million aimed at innovation promotion and development through creating innovative products, services and technologies, and technological development, as well as for development of tourism at UNESCO protected sites in eastern Serbia. The most vulnerable groups in Serbia will be supported through this programme aimed at finding sustainable housing solutions and providing support in acquiring new skills and knowledge and in pre-qualification for the purpose of finding jobs or starting their own business.